Farmer’s Market in Winter:
-When Market moves indoors first week of November, Donna proposes we have a table in the corner and take turns holding short herbal presentations or workshop- about 15 min in length- give Donna your info if you’re interested
-Sarah wants to have more educational aspects to our table and more products!
-AnnaHope suggests for any products sold at booth: 10% goes to guild, 10% to person selling them
-Michael is fine with all products except cannabis-related things
CONTACT Donna if you would like to offer a simple presentation at our booth at the Indoor Willits Farmer’s Market:
Hometown Update from Katie:
– Hometown Celebration went well, we had great feedback, sold 6 bottles of tonic (3 were Harvest Brew)
-Group would like to move forward with getting a cheap phone plan, so that the Guild can have its own phone/credit card swiper for events
—-10/29 Coast Guild Meeting, 3:30 pm
Street clinic in Mendocino is their main focus! Details are on the website calendar
—-11/3 Coastal Cornucopia @ Botanical Gardens
We’ll be doing some kind of family-friendly demonstration, herbal coloring? Ideas welcome
—-11/3 Remembering our Ancestors @ Redwood Valley Grange
Sienna is asking us to serve tea + tonic: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED /
—-11/8 Farm to Market @ Solar Living Inst. (RESCHEDULED TO 11/30)
Cannabis farmer’s mixer w/ distributors
We’ll sell fire tonic, tea, herbal pre-rolls, and give out info on medicinal herbs people can grow w/ cannabis
—-11/10 Feast Mendocino @ Solar Living
-final ticket prices: $20 resale, $25 at door, $10 for kiddos
-without dinner, people can enter for $5-10 suggested donation
-vendors will be outside in hallway; pay $20 for a space, but free dinner
-silent auction will be inside with apothecary table + elixir/dessert bar
-Aria will sell products for anyone who wants to add them to the apothecary table inside
-Diane will possibly offer child entertainment (???)
-$350 is the new total grange rental cost
-Danny is planning for 100-130 meals
-Plan to put 100 tickets online + at JD Redhouse, Ukiah Co-op
-Ana Victoria will call ticket providers each week to check on numbers
-Should we have music during dinner? Rosebud may be available
-We may need something to transition after Corine’s talk?
-Corine will take at least 30 min and will speak on ecosystem restoration as a way to connect to our part of the world
-Donna will speak on the “why” behind the build;
-Ana Victoria will speak on the “what” we’re working on (10-15 min each)
-We need a volunteer to MC/do a quick welcome- Michelle?
-We should offer “thank you”baskets of herbal products to the farmers
-Membership Drive: we will try to sign people up as members; Kami made form —> will be included with a menu at door
-at the door you’ll be able to pay for extra dessert + drinks
-PUBLICITY: talk to Kami to help! Get it on the radio, newspapers, etc ASAP!!!
-Danny is doing vegetarian w/ vegan option for dinner: bread, salad, soup, main course
-Luna will be doing desserts: apple crisp + ice cream + goat cheesecake?
-we can serve coffee + tea (ask SheWolf for donations?)
-dessert table should open before speakers, put on pause during speakers, then open after
-we should have servers for the tables: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to SERVE
Current Volunteers:
Vendors = Aria
Elixir Bar + Dessert = Katie/Luna/Donna/Erika
Kitchen = Danny/Sarah/Erika/AnnaHope
Servers = Erika/Divora/Tina/Jessica
Clean Up = Erika, Kami, AnaVictoria
Publicity/everything= Kami
Silent Auction= Kiohma
If you would like to support in any way, please contact !