
We are a 100% volunteer-run group with big dreams. The MISSION of the Guild is to gather as farmers, medicine makers, and community members to create Full-Circle Herbalism.

Full-circle herbalism benefits the community through regenerative cultivation and wild-crafting of herbs, intentional medicine-making, conscious education, and the development of accessible apothecaries and clinics to make healing plant medicine available to all who need it.

Together, we are cultivating a self-reliant and resilient County by embracing the herbal resources of this bioregion to educate, empower, and heal ourselves, each other, and the land so that Mendocino County and beyond may thrive.

Join the Mendocino County Herb Guild as a supporting member and help us cultivate a healthier, more sustainable future rooted in the wisdom of nature. Our mission is to gather farmers, medicine makers, holistic practitioners, and community members to create full-circle herbalism benefiting our entire community.